the ex factor guide - winning your ex back isn’t going to be a smooth or easy ride
the ex factor guide :
The Ex Factor Guide is a blueprint to becoming exactly the partner that your ex both wants and deserves.
Do you have a certain someone who you just can’t let go of? Is there an ex who you often feel is the one who got away? Often towards a rocky patch in a relationship we experience painful exchanges and one or other finds it hard to go back. Deep cuts can be made into our souls; cuts that it can be a job to repair.
The good news is, providing your ex is still single, you can use this effective guide to help you regain trust and connection with the person you lost.
the ex factor guide - Pros:
• Brad knows you as well as you do. In the ‘No Contact’ chapter, he can tell all you want to do is ring up your ex and beg for them back. He tells you exactly why you shouldn’t do that.
• He’s personable, friendly and super supportive. Throughout the guide, Brad feels like he’s there as your best friend, telling you honestly that it may not work out how you’d like (which is refreshing and honest, there’s no false promises), but wanting to help you either way, and that’s really comforting.
• The guide becomes more positive as it goes on, motivating you and making you feel very optimistic. At first, you feel disheartened, heartbroken, and desperate. However, as you go through the guide, Brad makes you feel stronger, more confident, and optimistic about the future, whether that future involves your ex or not.
• It feels like a 1 on 1 coaching session the whole way through. At every moment, I felt like I was sitting down with Brad in a room talking through my problems, and he was there to help. It’s rare I find a guide in this area that doesn’t simply sound like someone just reading a script.
In the Ex-Factor, I feel like I’m really talking to Brad, and that’s a fantastic feeling, especially when it can feel like you’re all alone after your break-up.
the ex factor guide :
• Provides actionable and useable advice, and provides detailed examples. Instead of leaving you wondering how to do something, Brad guides you, telling you precisely what to do and how to do it, providing useful examples along the way.
• The advice is focused on YOU, not your ex. In this guide, you get the strong impression that Brad simply wants you to be happy. Right from the introduction, Brad is stressing that it’s all about being happy, not about winning your ex back.
That being said, he also understands what it’s like, and the rest of the book follows on how to win back your ex.
• The Bonuses. The guide comes with two bonuses, one how to get a healthy and fantastic figure, the other focused on how correctly text your ex without coming across as needy or desperate.
They’re both detailed and quality guides, and are worth the price-tag simply by themselves.
the ex factor guide - Cons:
• There’s some questionable advice. One point in particular stood out to me; at one point, Brad advises you to create a fake Facebook account to ‘fake’ having a desirable and interested guy posting on your Facebook Wall.
I always cringe at advice like this. However, Brad states clearly that you may not be comfortable with doing this and suggest you not do it if so, which is reassuring.
• It’s going to take some serious work. Whether this is an actual con of the guide itself, I don’t know; I don’t think so. That being said, winning your ex back isn’t going to be a smooth or easy ride.
It’s going to take time, patience and some work. If you’re simply not the type of person able to meticulously follow a plan to the letter, this guide isn’t for you.
the ex factor guide - Conclusion
Brad’s advice is golden; having read the entirety of the course, you can tell that the advice that has gone into it has been learned from solid and painful experience.
I have no doubt that The Ex-Factor guide will work for someone looking to reclaim their ex, and would strongly suggest you give it a try. It comes with a 2 month money-back guarantee, so it’s very much worth giving a go.
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the ex factor
guide to getting your ex back
How To Win Your Ex Back
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