magnetic messaging || 3 Texts Turn Into Sex and Relationships

magnetic messaging  || 3 Texts Turn Into Sex and Relationships

magnetic messaging  :

Magnetic Messaging is a practical dating guide for men that basically instructs you how to successfully text your way to a first (and second, third, and fourth) date. This program recognizes that the mobile phone has changed the entire concept of dating, and so it teaches men how to use texting as an extension of their confident, playful, and attractive personality.
Magnetic Messaging is co-authored by Bobby Rio and Rob Judge, both dating gurus with several years of combined experience between their belts. Let us give you some brief information on both of them, respectively.

The Pros
I expected the Magnetic Messaging PDF and bonus materials to offer a basic overview of how to text girls, with a few examples. But after reading all the material in the main guide, I realized there is much more to the program. It explores the female mind and shows you why you should text in the style and sequences layed out in the program. I feel like I learned a ton about how women think and how to communicate with them to have a shot at dating them.
Sadly for me, I noticed a lot of the romantic strategies I generally use are the WORST things I should be doing. (One example is in case study #2 above). But I’m glad I know the error of my ways now; maybe there is hope for me yet.
There is a lot of material, but it flows well and there are a lot of example texts and even entire text exchanges to help illustrate how and why the system works. The program goes beyond texting and explains how to act on dates and how to cultivate a genuine relationship. I also like that the system isn’t designed to manipulate girls, but give decent guys like us a chance to have a meaningful relationship with them.
The Cons
The system is based largely on texting girls you have recently met and have gotten a number from. The program does touch on how to interact with girls you meet, but I would have liked to seen a little more detailed instruction on this, since it is a problem area for me. I would have also liked more instruction on how to transition from talking to a girl to getting her number.
The material gets pretty graphic and explores topics that may be offensive to some readers. For example, in the main Magnetic Messaging Ebook, the author drops the f-bomb a few times, discusses how to get girls to send naked pictures of themselves to you and how to bring up having threesomes. So if you are looking for a more PG-rated guide, this one is not for you.
Finally, there is a lot of material. If you don’t like reading, you may be put off by the length of the main guide and by the volume of the added material and bonuses. To be honest, I haven’t had time to review all of the bonus material, so I don’t know if some of it is just fluff thrown in to make the package look more valuable. From what I have read, the quality is on par with the main guide. As I finish all the material, I will add the information to the review here on this website.

magnetic messaging  :

The Verdict: Will Magnetic Messaging Work For You?
Everyone is different, and I don’t know if you will end up getting more dates, but I feel good about your chances. I will add that the Magnetic Messaging system taught me much more than I expected. I have a much better understanding of how girls think and how to approach them. And after testing the system a couple of times, I know that it can work. I definitely have more confidence in my approach with girls at this point, and am thrilled at the responses I have gotten so far by following the system.
The Bottom Line
This is a good product for beginners who want to learn a more playful and attractive way to text women. It covers a wide range of scenarios that you’ll find yourself confronted with at some point. If you’re at the stage where you’re getting phone numbers but girls aren't returning your texts or you're not getting many dates, this is definitely worth a look.

magnetic messaging  :

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